Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Too bad no one will read this. I really need some new crochet patterns, especially for blankets/afghans. I like to experiment with new things and all I have are the same hum drum patterns. Of course, as I usually change the pattern as I go, I should probably just create one entirely of my own and stop hemming and hawing...

but, if someone DOES read this...let me know where to go, won't you?


The Spicy Chickadee said...

I read your blog. I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about crocheting - or even how to spell it. My name is Kate and Bep is my best friend from Kenya. Just thought I'd say hi. And I'm currently reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It's pretty good, but I'm a bit frustrated with how good she makes her heros/heroines. I'm a bit stuck in the middle of the book right now.

Mara said...
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