Tuesday, August 28, 2007

little squares

The age-old question: what to do with little squares?

I got myself into a predicament by saying, "Oh, I'll make some little squares for an afghan." But didn't stop to think that I would have to put them together. I HATE putting squares together! Why did I bother?! Now, I've got a whole bag of them and I haven't done anything else with them. I wonder if anyone would want them...sigh!!

Oh well -- it will give me something to do while I've got down time during school this fall. We'll see....

Monday, August 06, 2007


I've been sadly neglecting my blog. I cut my knuckle off a couple months ago and it's been hard to get back into a regular schedule again. It's not as painful, but it still aches if I do too much at once, which is irritating. I want to jump right back into crocheting NOW, not have to ease into it...aargh!

Anyway -- my friend is coming up from Virginia and they're having a baby shower for her. I'm hoping to get a small blanket done for baby Brahm. Here's hoping it'll come along easily and that my hand won't start acting up.