Tuesday, August 28, 2007

little squares

The age-old question: what to do with little squares?

I got myself into a predicament by saying, "Oh, I'll make some little squares for an afghan." But didn't stop to think that I would have to put them together. I HATE putting squares together! Why did I bother?! Now, I've got a whole bag of them and I haven't done anything else with them. I wonder if anyone would want them...sigh!!

Oh well -- it will give me something to do while I've got down time during school this fall. We'll see....


Knitting Ninja said...

I hate sewing stuff together too! The squares are cute though, maybe you could make little bags out of them...?

Mara said...

I'm not sure when you sent this comment, knitting ninja, but I DID made a bag out of them...haha!! Must have read your mind!! Thanks for the hint! :)