Tuesday, August 15, 2006

This is pretty sad to say but, I haven't worked on ANYthing lately. I've got to get off my duff and get crocheting. They aren't going to make themselves and I still need two more blankets done before December. I do not want to get down to crunch time and have a million (okay -- exaggeration) to get done. (sigh) I guess I could blame the weather, but I do have AC and have no excuse.

OK...as my friend DeAnna would say. It's time to listen to Sister Mary Responsibility!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


time to get off my duff and finish the bright blue blanket. After that, I only have one more to do for the Peabody House. I'd like to get it done before November so that I can focus on enjoying the holiday season this year. Hmm...I just counted the blankets I see. It looks like I have to make another one after this one. I better get crackin'....