Wednesday, November 29, 2006


It's really bad when you don't make an entry for almost a month! But...I DO have a good excuse.

Anyway -- I just got back from giving my annual gift of blankets to the Peabody House here in Portland, ME. It always thrills me to be able to do something that makes a difference even if I never meet the clients these blankets go to.

I wasn't able to get my usual six done, but they told me that was OK. I even felt bad that I had to 'substitute' complete yarn/crocheted blankets for two fleece blankets that I crocheted borders on. They told me that they were just fine and would be appreciated.

I don't know -- I hope so. I guess I just have a certain standard I try to live up to, especially when I'm giving a blanket, ya know?

Well, at least they will help someone stay warm and that can't be bad! :)

Merry Christmas!