Tuesday, April 07, 2009

time, time time

I realize time is slipping by and I'm not getting anywhere with my crocheting. Granted, school is taking a LOT, if not all, of my time which doesn't leave me the luxury of crocheting. But...I will be finishing projects that are "in the works." After all, how can you really move on if there are so many loose ends?

I'm excited about a throw I'm finishing. It's fall-ish in color and I know that its final resting place (ooh...sounds like a death..it's not though..haha) will be a loving home. This reminds me that around this time a couple years ago, I was making blankets for the Peabody House here in Portland, but they shut down the house. Now, I'm left wondering what project I can contribute blankets/throws to. Hmm...

No matter, I will get on the ball and finish what I started so that I can jaunt off to the next one. Pictures to follow!!

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