Saturday, May 13, 2006


I decided to set up this blog because I noticed that there are many others out there who crochet! I've been doing it for years and to think that there's a whole network out there for just that is a little overwhelming yet exciting.

I've been working on blankets for the Peabody House here in Portland, ME that aren't "due" until December. This will be my third year donating these to their AIDS clients. It's not much, but I feel like I'm really contributing in a tangible way. One day, I'd love to meet them all! Knowing me, I'd get really attached!

Once I learn how to post a photo properly, I'll include some pix of the blankets.

I found this really easy pattern that ironically took me ages to get the hang of and laugh about now because it IS so easy. One of those "DUH!" moments. You work in a triangle increasing with each row and once you get to the size you think you'd like it to be, you start decreasing...closing in to complete a square. It really is a lovely looking pattern. Mostly all triple crochet.

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